When you are truly happy with your story!

Hey guys!

On Tuesday evening, my wife and I attended a folk music night at Leicester Guildhall, with the legendary Martin Carthy (Great concert Martin!).

As those of you who have read the previews to my first novel 'Jack Ketch's Puppets' will know, in 1850, the Guildhall was then Leicester's Town Hall, and incorporated the Police Station, Head Constable's House, and Courts, as well as Mayoral offices and Parlour.

This was the first time I had been back since last November, when I spent quite a long time down there, picturing what it would have been like in 1850, and who would have been wandering about, what they would have been doing, etc.

This was particularly true of what was then the Police Station rooms on the ground floor at St Martins end of the site.

What struck me on Tuesday?

I was surrounded by my characters and by my plot, the minute I walked through the doors. They came up and nodded or said hello, and I could see them and feel them, as I had described in the novel, and, IT WORKED!

I loved it. I really sensed that I had captured the essence rather than just the picture!

The proof of the pudding will be in the readers, so, guys, please let me know when the novel comes out shortly...did I give you more than just a picture? 

'Jack Ketch's Puppets' out shortly, through Createspace outlets, Amazon KDP, Feed A read and other good sites!

Please visit my website to read the previews if you haven't already done so.


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