Things are looking up!

After the setbacks of last week, and issues with the hard copy proof of 'Leicestershire Myth & Legend - in verse', things seem to have picked up speed again.

I was not happy with what I had produced, and so, over the weekend, made some significant changes to the book.

There will now be some appropriate graphics, and I have also added background history to each of the people / places included.

I realised there is a great opportunity to 'piggyback' on the wave of interest in King Richard III, who features in the book, in the 'Blue Boar Inn' tale. 

The cover has been changed and the design has been changed.

It makes the book a little bigger, but it looks much more appealing.

Lesson learned! Don't be in too much of a hurry to get the first one out there!

Also, the first novel is going the same route.

'Jack Ketch's Puppets', the first in 'The Borough Boys' series has also gone out for production.

The other additional gain, has been working with outlets on both sides of 'The Pond'. I have now decided to go with CreateSpace for USA publishing. This will save postage costs for US buyers. Createspace will also link in to Amazon Kindle and look after the global e book distribution.

On this side, I have gone to 'FeedARead' with both books, and will use them for UK production and distribution. Again, this means UK buyers will not pay heavy postage costs for paperbacks.

All the drafts and covers are now with the publishing outlets, and I am awaiting hard copy proofs of both books.

They look good electronically, and now it is just being patient and reviewing the paper proofs.

I anticipate they will arrive with me between now and 21st March (US versions).

So, a bit of a delay, but I think the end results will be much more pleasing.

Thanks for your patience!


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