O Happy days

'O what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day...'

I have woken up a happy man. Have I won the lottery? I haven't even checked yet!

I have woken up and upon examination, for the first time in days, I have both a Website and Blog that I am now proud to profess to own.

I have loved the trials and tribulation of putting them together, and ending up with something contemporary and (I hope) eye-catching and informative.

And now the hard work starts.

I am awaiting the hard copy previews of my first 'Createspace' paperback 'Leicestershire Myth and Legend - in verse'. If the end result is good, then it will be on sale shortly, as I describe on my website and in previous blog entries.

If it is, then fairly quickly I intend to get my first novel out there, the same way - Createspace and through Amazon KDP.

So why does the hard work now start?

Marketing and promotion of my work, that's what.

I do not like blowing my own trumpet, nor do I intend to create 'Blurbs' that over-state the content of the books.

What I need to get are good, honest reviews, from good, honest people.

I also have spent many hours this week 'Googling' likely targets for media releases. Local Media outlets, BBC Leicester; Leicester Mercury; Education and Libraries Services; Local, National and International Folk and story-telling organizations...the list goes on. 

But no pain, no gain!

So, folks. If you have read any of my previews, which can be accessed via the 'Pages' tab on my blog, and via my website www.1455bookcompany.com , then please, if you see fit, some honest, constructive criticism and reviews would be appreciated.

I will ask the same again of the finished projects in due course, when I will offer free copies in exchange for freely written reviews of the whole book.


  1. Hi Guys. Feedback request time. If any of you have had the time to read any of my previews or short story entries, please would you consider comments or e-mailing me, or contacting me through my website at www.1455bookcompany.com. A short review would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you


  2. Hi, great website. Looks like an exciting time for you. Check out my blogs too if you get a chance. http://mary-anderingcreatively.blogspot.com/

    I like you am trying to build a following. I am working on novels too but am not close to publishing quite yet. That will be toward the end of the year. I enjoy reading your excerpts. Thanks.

    1. Mary; Thank you for the positive comments. I shall look forward to viewing your blogs. It is a fantastic, whilst at the same time, anxious time, wondering whether I have got things about right. But hey, isn't that what life is all about? Not knowing what's around the next corner? No doubt bump into each other along the way! Good Luck.



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