A great week - Winner of two writing competitions!

This has been a great week. 

Great that is, in terms of the fact that I have been voted best story, in two different writing groups' competitions, during the same week.

In the 'Writers Discussion Group' 600 word short, I have written something completely out of my comfort zone. The prompt was a picture of a Circus tent, and the story had to start, 'I never told anyone...

This became 'The Fire Breather' (You can read this in my Blog 'pages' menu).

In the Dark Humour Collective inaugural competition, I wrote a very bizarre and dark short, which had to be based on the combination of two well known books, films, plays, etc, and have a bizarre and black ending.

This resulted in a very short 'Forest Gump is Saving Private Ryan', which took quotes from both films, interlaced them, and twisted them into a rather psychopathic ending.

It can be found at the 'Dark Humour Collective' site at...


For those writers who may be reading this, that have not yet had a go at these competitions, they are great fun, and under-subscribed! They make you work outside your comfort zone. HAVE A GO!


  1. Congratulations to you! Was the story competition for "the writers discussion group" on G+?


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