Visit Leicester Guildhall and meet The Borough Boys

Hey guys;

For those of you who are in Leicester, or who may be visiting Leicester in the foreseeable future, may I make a recommendation to you.

My first novel, 'Jack Ketch's Puppets' which is on sale now, has a lot of its storyline centred on Leicester Guildhall, as it is now, and as then was 'Leicester Town Hall and Police Station'.

I went back myself a couple of weeks ago, and every room I went into, and outside in the courtyard, my characters flooded to me.

This is a beautiful old building, and full of character. Once you have read 'Jack Ketch's Puppets', pop in, and imagine the site as I have described it in 1850, and feel my characters - I am sure you will bump in to one or two!

'Jack Ketch's Puppets' out now. Free this weekend on Amazon KDP (Friday 29th March to Monday 1st April 2013 inclusive.


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