Leicestershire Myths and Legends in verse

My new collection of 'Leicestershire Myth and Legend in verse' is now awaiting publication by both Createspace and Amazon KDP.

This is a collection that I originally wrote as lyrics and short stories in verse form, for Leicestershire Folk evenings.

Like everything, procrastination became the thief of time, and I still haven't got round to putting to music or having the courage to perform.

So, I have decided to publish instead.

The Myth and Legend covered includes;-

  • Black Annis - the witch of Dane Hills
  • Bel the Giant
  • King Leir (that is the correct and original spelling Shakespeare fans!)
  • Lady Jane Grey
  • The Blue Boar Inn
  • George Davenport - the Wigston Highwayman
  • James Cook - the last man in the gibbet
  • Joseph Carey (aka John) Merrick - the Elephant Man
The prices are yet to be finalised, but the suggested price in paperback form is £2.99 sterling; $4 US dollars; 3 Euros.

Title id: 4175733

ISBN - 13: 978 - 1482566437

ISBN - 10: 1482566435

The ebook through KDP is still awaiting review approval.

As soon as I know more, I will update this site.


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