A new website for 1455bookcompany

The new website for the company is now available at;-



  1. Nice one. Well done Phill. I have one slight critique with the brown on brown but that's a side issue. How many books do you have out so far? where can I find them? Your books sound good and I would like to read them.

    1. Hi there; Thanks for the feedback. When I started things, the olde worlde look seemed to fit, but I had also been surveying other websites and blogs, and reached a decision that something more contemporary was in order.

      I have now changed both; Have a look and see what you think?

      Re your questions. Awaiting final hardcopy proof for one from Createspace, which, if everything goes okay, should be out in next few days.

      Several in development, with my inaugural novel the next to go out, hopefully in the next few weeks.

      The books are detailed on my website www.1455bookcompany.com under the 'Books and reviews' page.



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