A wonderful accolade from Chaunce Stanton, a fellow writer in the USA...

Just had a really nice accolade from a fellow writer in the USA, Chaunce Stanton, which I share below...makes it worth while!


Putting the Artist in the Work

Do you see the painter in the painting?

I like it when an author conveys a personal voice -- even within troubling story lines like gruesome murder investigations. As a reader, I feel like I come to know the writer in some small part even as I come to the characters and the action enfolding them.

Reading +Phil Simpkin's Jack Ketch's Puppets, I sometimes find myself laughing aloud or releasing intrigued "hmmmms" so that my wife, Naomi, asks me what I'm on about, and I read something to her that not only advances Phil's story but shows his sense of humor or the amount of time he spent researching and deliberating over his subject matter.

One brief example that made me pause to write this post:

"I'm afraid, sir, that we have the gravest of problems - the corpse has been stolen," said Beddows...

Phil's person comes through. I know many writers from the objective school try to "cover their tracks" in order to completely remove themselves from their work. But the natural way in which Phil accomplishes this balance between "narrative dream" and the reality of writer as creator is truly a credit to his comfort level with himself and with the story.

I'm certain of one thing: for those readers beginning with the Borough Boys series, they will begin a relationship with Phil as well as his characters.

Fortunately, he is a highly accommodating companion.

Chaunce's blog can be found at...


He is a great guy and writes some dark and humourous stuff!


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