What makes a best selling crime writer?

This might seem like a silly question for a budding crime writer like Phil Simpkin to ask. 

However, apart from a gripping and imaginative story-line, I would be intrigued to know what other readers look for in such a novel.

I am a selective reader, and Ian Rankin probably rates as a benchmark for what to aim for.

I also admire some of Ben Elton's work, particularly "The First Casualty"  and I also have enjoyed James McGee's series based on Matthew Hawkwood's character...

There are some great story- lines, and I feel that my first novel meets that requirement.

My dialogue is realistic, and is based on my own experiences interviewing suspects and witnesses in real life criminal investigations...and develops what the reader will want to know about each character - good or bad!

But I feel there is something else....I read Rankin and his novels not only have a storyline, and imaginative twists, but the detail he goes to in almost a walk-through..opening doors, walking up stairs, moving a chair, opening a drawer, moving a bottle....and personally I feel that it gets in the way and almost overloads the main story...

Am I alone in this thought?

Do you want that level of detail, and if so how much or how often?

I would love to know more!


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