An update on book three.

Good morning folks.

I know it has been some time since I lasted posted on this blog. A variety or reasons could be stated, but writer's block was the underlying problem.

I am glad to report that this is no longer so, and for the last few weeks I have dusted off and got my head down, once more.

The good news is that my first draft has now been completed, and a novel of about 280 pages is in the process of editing and refining.

Following on from the death of Constable Perkins, in Death Lurks in Cock Muck Hill,  your favourite Borough Boys are off on the trail of what appears to be a straight forward burglary in book three.

Nothing is ever straight forward for Shepherd or Beddows, and the story takes us off to pastures new, as well as the heart of 1850s Leicester.

I love it - but, of course, I would!


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